DECK - YGO! PTS - PoPKai 2017/03/28

Deck do ganhador do evento Yu-Gi-Oh! PoPKai Tournament Series realizado na PoPKai, domingo, dia 28 de Maio de 2017

Ganhador do Yu-Gi-Oh! PTS
Leonardo Siqueira
Deck - Predaplant Zoodiacs

Main Deck (40 Cards)

1x Lunalight Black Sheep
1x Speedroid Taketomborg
3x Speedroid Terrortop
2x Zoodiac Thoroughblade
2x Zoodiac Ratpier
1x Zodiac Ramram
3x Zoodiac Whiptail
3x Maxx "C"
1x Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio
1x Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra
2x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
2x D. D. Crow

3x Zoodiac Barrage
2x Fusion Substitute
2x My Body as a Shield
2x Instant Fusion
3x Fire Formation - Tenki
1x Book of Moon
2x Twin Twisters
1x Forbidden Chalice

3x Solemn Strike
1x Solemn Warning
1x Mirror Force
1x Storming Mirror Force
2x Lost Wind
1x Imperial Order

Extra Deck (13 Cards)

1x Elder Entity Norden

1x Abyss Dweller
1X M-X-Saber Invoker
2X Zoodiac Tigermortar
2X Zoodiac Drident
2X Zoodiac Broadbull
1x Zoodiac Chakanine
2X Daigusto Emeral 
1x Zoodiac Hammerkong
1x Zoodiac Boarbow
1X Totem Bird

Side Deck (15 Cards)

1X Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju
1X Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju
1X Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
3x Artifact Lancea

2x Pot of Acquisitiveness
2x Interrupted Kaiju Slumber

2x Anti-Spell Fragrance
1x Imperial Iron Wall